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Document Type : Original Research Article


Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Osun State University, PMB 4494 Osogbo, Nigeria.



The oxidation of propane-1,3-diol by potassium permanganate in aqueous solution was investigated at λmax 525 nm. The rate of the reaction was found to increase with increase in [KMnO4] and [Propane-1,3-diol]. The reaction showed first order dependence each in [KMnO4] and [Propane-1,3-diol] and independent in the ionic strength of the solution. The values of 〖∆H〗^#(kJ mol-1), 〖∆S〗^# (kJK-1mol-1) and〖 ∆G〗^#(kJ mol-1) were 24.98, -0.22 and 90.50 respectively. Negative activation of entropy revealed an ordered transition state for the reaction. Spectroscopic studies and FTIR analysis revealed the product of the reaction to be 3-hydroxy-propanone. A suitable reaction mechanism is proposed for the reaction investigated.

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Kinetics and Mechanism of Propane-1,3-diol Oxidation by Mn(VII) in Aqueous Medium


Main Subjects

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